Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19, 2011

TGIF! And welcome to The Nerd's Almanac for Friday, August 19, 2011.

It was not on this date that the photographic process of daguerreotype was invented. But it was on this date in 1839 that the government of France announced the invention as a gift "free to the world". Since a patent was also filed in England, there must have been some interesting issues. My, what modern times they were living in back then!

On this date in 1960, the Soviet Union launched Корабль-Спутник 2 (Sputnik 5, as it was known in the west). This was the first launch of animals (two dogs, two rats, forty mice) into orbit with a safe return to earth.

And speaking of space, it's a big day for Star Trek. Born on this date were Gene Roddenberry (creator of all things Star Trek) and Jonathan Frakes (actor, Commander Riker in Star Trek: The Next Generation).

Here is a quote for today:
"A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away."
-- Gene Roddenberry

And that's today's almanac. Nerds of the world, we salute you!

Wikipedia: August 19
Wikipedia: Daguerreotype
Wikipedia: Sputnik 5
Wikipedia: Gene Roddenberry
Wikipedia: Jonathan Frakes
BrainyQuote: Gene Roddenberry

P.S. Have I mentioned that we'd love to hear from you all? If you have anything to share with other nerds today (or any day) be sure to let us know! Our address is nerdsalmanac (all one word) at gmail (dot) com.

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